Frontend Developer

We are an international IGaming, software and development company aiming to help improve the efficiency and workflow by designing and implementing unique solutions that answer our customers business needs.

Our fun-packed crew of young and dynamic professionals will be by your side every step of the way. Simply showcase your very best side and instantly gain access to the mandatory ingredients for a delectable success recipe.

Your main job duties:

  • Build reusable code and libraries for future use
  • Implementation of fully responsive UI
  • Develop and test across multiple browsers, platforms, and devices
  • Provide realistic estimates for requests, fixes and new ideas
  • Assist back-end developers with coding, testing and troubleshooting
  • Ability to look at a problem and think of practical out of the box solutions
  • Develop functional and appealing web and mobile applications based on usability
  • Ensure the technical feasibility of UI / UX designs
  • Optimize application for maximum speed and scalability
  • Provide website maintenance and enhancements
  • Create a quality mockups and prototypes on tight timelines

Professional requirements:

  • Proficient understanding of web mark-up, including HTML5 and CSS3
  • Good knowledge of Javascript/Typescript libraries and frameworks
  • Good knowledge of Pixi Javascript framework
  • Ability to plan and work autonomously and within a team
  • Understanding version control software
  • Understanding of Agile methodology
  • Experience working as part of an AGILE team
  • Knowledge in Jira ticketing system/project management and Confluence documentation
  • Fluent in English
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